Spiritual Growth
We invite all into a diverse, welcoming, Christian community, seeking to nurture deeper relationships with God and each other. Choosing a foundation of worship, prayer and study of God’s Word, we strive to serve Christ through our care of all people and creation. We accept our mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, endeavoring to restore all people to unity and
wholeness in God.
Sunday Worship Times
8:00 am
A traditional spoken service with sermon and Holy Communion
9:30 am
Rite II service with music, sermon, and Communion
and Faith Formation for Families
Take a journey to the center of your deepest self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding of who you are and of your relationship with God. more »
Vacation Bible School 2015 – Everest
This year's VBS was a wonderful success. See the week in pictures and find your favorite camper! VBS Pictures »
This year's Confirmation Classes »
Which Ministry is right for you?
There are many ways to serve God and your parish. If you are interested in participating please contact the office.
Altar Guild
Fellowship Hour Hosts
Table Minister